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MARCH 3, 2009

        Bill Davidson, Chairman, determined a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

        Bryan Piepho – Southbury                        William Davidson – Brookfield
        Ross Carley - Newtown                   Alexis Hawley – Brookfield
        Bert Woerner - Bridgewater              Brian Boodry – Brookfield
        Arthur Niedzielski – Newtown            Shannon Young – Roxbury
        Sara Howard – Roxbury                   David Kendall – New Milford
        Joe Briody – Bridgewater                        Ron Faanes – Roxbury
        Linda Leaden – New Milford

        Sharon Ward – New Milford                       Jerry Simmons – Southbury
        Armund Luzi – Southbury 
Also Present:
        Greg Bollard – Friends of the Lake (FOTL)
        Chuck Lee – Connecticut DEP
        George Knoecklein, Northeast Aquatic Research – Lake Consultant         

        Immediately following the call to order, George Knoecklein gave a presentation on water quality, disclosing his findings for the year 2008.  He described the 9 stations where the samples were gathered.  The report concentrated on the Phosphorous levels recorded over the course of the year with special attention being given to the boating season.  The nutrient discharge of the Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant was also discussed.
Water sampling stations 5, 6, and 9 are all near one another at the confluence of the Still River and the Housatonic.  Station 4 is at the S curve south of Good Year Island.  Stations 2 and 3 straddle the 133 Bridge. Station 1 is at the dam.  Stations 7 and 8 are up the Shepaug River.
George focused on two high flow peaks which occurred over the summer of 2008.  The dates of these high flow periods were 7/23 and 9/7.  They corresponded with periods of heavy rain.  The significance of these two events was that Phosphorous levels were extremely high afterwards, leading to speculation that water turbulence may be lifting phosphorous off of the bottom, and that Phosphorous is also entering through runoff from fertilized lands.  It was also noted during this part of the presentation that these storm events also affected water temperatures and clarity (as measured with a sechi disc).  Bryan Piepho suggested the use of Alum in future lake treatments to cap the Phosphorous in the lake sediment to keep it from rising in the water column.
George also discussed the Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant.  George’s near measurement (samples taken from the Still River near where the DSTP discharges) showed that the plant seemed to be honoring their lower discharge levels that they had agreed to in 2007.
Bill Davidson stated that George Knoecklein’s report was being turned over to the CTDEP.  Summary points of the report were discussed.  The discussion included comments by Shannon Young, Bryan Piepho, Chuck Lee, and George Knoecklein.

Following George Knoecklein’s presentation, Chuck Lee of the CTDEP presented.  Mr. Lee discussed a proposed $500,000 study of nitrogen and phosphorous removal to be performed by the Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant (DSTP).
He discussed the proposed limits for phosphorous by the DSTP and that they seemed to be honoring the set limits.
He discussed a letter that was being drafted by the DEP addressing FirstLight Power’s insistence on being able to maintain the lake water level at 196.8 feet versus the level of 196.0 proposed by the LLA and FOTL.  The letter is being written by Brad Robinson of the Bureau of Materials Management of the DEP.  Mr. Lee has suggested that the LLA make a proposal to FLP to be added to the DEP letter.
Mr. Lee also discussed the proposal for upgrading the two DEP controlled boat launches on Lake Lillinonah.  These are the Route 133 launch and the Pond Brook Launch.  He stated that there are plans to design this year and construct in 2010.  Greg Bollard of FOTL interjected at this point that there is not a contract for the design of either launch in place at the present time.
Mr. Lee also stated that in 2009 there will be no state/federal monies available for the continued use of George Knoecklein to further study the lake.  The DEP is proposing to do its own studies of the lake this year.  Mr. Lee cautioned that there will most likely not be as many samples or as many stations.  He also stated that the reason for this change is that study money going forward was slated for projects that the DEP could propose action on.

        The minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 3, 2009 were accepted as is.
        Bill Davidson reported on meetings that he had attended during the month of February.  He also discussed the upcoming FLP debris management meeting on 3/5/09, and the disposition of the legal action regarding the rules for PFDs on the lake and whether the Federal or the State statute ruled.
Bill attended the Lake Advisory Committee Meeting.  He reported that the meeting was largely concerned with Candlewood Lake.  The issues were overcrowding on Candlewood, handicapped access at the Stevenson Dam and Dyke’s Point, and law enforcement.  Bill stated that he tried to bring up the wood debris issue at Lake Lillinonah, but he wasn’t heard on the matter.
Bill attended a meeting on the Shoreline Management Plan.  He reported that the plan has been rewritten by FLP.  It is fee free and has been cut down to seven pages.  There are revisions pending due to the lack of specifics.
In regard to the legal action brought against a rower ticketed for failure to wear a life jacket, the attorney general’s office decided not to prosecute the matter and the case was nolled.

        Shannon Young reported on permits for buoys proposed for Barkwood Cove and for the upper portion of Lake Lillinonah.  He contacted Mike Payton of the DEP to determine what buoys on the lake were already permitted, so that we could fix any existing problems while applying for the new buoys.  Mr. Payton stated that we need to provide him with the buoy permits that LLA holds.

        No report

        Joe Briody reported that the accounting software has been transferred over to him from Bill Davidson.  An adjustment entry has been made for the recording of the CD purchased in 2008 changing it from an expense to a bank account.  He has also recorded January and February bank transactions and balanced the accounts.  

        No report.

        Personal Floatation Devices
        David Kendall reported that the state had decided not to prosecute the ticket issued for the lack of a personal floatation device by a GMS Rower.
        Jerry Simmons was not present to report.

Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant
        Alexis Hawley had nothing to report
Wood Debris
        Armand Luzi was not present.    

Barkwood Cove
        The placement of No Wake buoys at the entrance to Barkwood Cove and in the vicinity of the GMS Rowing was discussed in First Vice Chairman’s report.    

        Due to the length of the meeting, no new business was discussed.

        Motion by Shannon Young to adjourn at 9:50 p.m.  The motion was seconded by and carried unanimously.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Joe Briody on behalf of
                                                        Christine M. Giordano,
                                                        Administrative Assistant

        These minutes are not considered official until approved at the next Regular Meeting of the Lake Lillinonah Authority.
        The next Regular Meeting of the Lake Lillinonah Authority is scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 7:30 PM at Brookfield Town Hall.